Friday, July 31, 2009

"You know you have been studying Spanish when..."

Most of you know that Spanish does not have apostrophes. So we would say "John's house" but in Spanish you would say "the house of John" or "la casa de Juan."

So today we are packing like crazy. Dawn, Trey, Tee, Luke and myself are in Dawn's and my bedroom. We have duffel bags laid out and many items to put in them. We are weighing and re-weighing because we can only take 35 pounds a bag. We are putting things in a bag and taking them out and moving them to another bag and then it is, "Weigh this bag again, boys." It is pretty hectic when all of a sudden Dawn asks of everyone and of no one, "Where is the suitcase of Gabriel?"

Well we all turned and stared at Dawn. Timothy says, "Mom you just said Spanish but it was English." So we all had a laugh and went back to work.