Friday, July 31, 2009

Final Goodbyes

I know we have blogged about goodbyes previously in other blog posts but we leave for Honduras tomorrow and we have been saying many "goodbyes." The goodbyes are, of course, harder this time. There are many people with whom we have spent alot of time during this past year. We know the trials they have faced, the disappointments, and also the victories. We frequently lift each other up in prayer. We know that many of these people we will never see again in this life so the final farewell is often "I will see you in heaven."

Jacob and Courtenay Folk hosted a goodbye fiesta last night and many of our friends dropped in to say goodbye and eat some pizza. It was good to see so many of our friends and the talk was centered around the big oral tests we took yesterday to place our level of Spanish, what days we are all leaving for the countries we are going to serve, packing, how to make deep fried oreos, etc.

Yesterday during chapel, all in attendence encircled another couple (whom are also leaving in the next few days) and us and we all had a period of prayer. It was a sweet time and many tears were shed.

One of the many great things about the Christian faith is the hope we have of Christ and heaven and knowing that we will see one another again at a time when there will be no stress, no pain, no tears, no disappointment and we will only experience tremendous joy at being able to worship our LORD 24/7.

So, it is goodbye to our friends in Costa Rica and hello to our new friends in Honduras!

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