Trey, today, packing up--or hamming it up for the camera
OK, I wish I could say this is only a nightmare, but it's real life packing in my bedroom right now. : ) Actually, it looks better as of now, but still has much room for improvement over the next three days!
Carmen--anytime we get out a suitcase, she says, "OK--we going on a plane now?"
A Lincoln Log construction by three proud brothers
Luke, Gabriel, and Elijah have been making elaborate forts with multiple rooms for each person--girls included, even though the girls sometimes tear their rooms down accidentally.
The outside of the fort--you really can't tell how big it was by this picture! It was huge!
Well, we are wiped out but content after getting alot of packing done today. We are sending some of our things ahead of us to Honduras as cargo, which we needed to do as we came with 50 lbs per checked bag, and now must leave here with only 35 lbs per checked bag. So, tomorrow morning, Lord willing, the cargo company comes to pick up some of our things. Over the last few days, we have had goodbye dinners with friends here, and another one on Thursday night.
My mind and my heart are full of so many things right now--memories of this past year, all that God has taught us while being here, the friends we've made, the difficulties we've experienced, and of course, all of the Spanish we've learned. No other year will be like this one, where we were together with a large group of fellow missionaries, all with the same goal of learning Spanish in order to share the gospel of Christ with others all over Latin America.
Gotta love those blanket forts...