Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh Happy Day!!

This week has been pretty crazy. It was the end of the trimester--lots of topics to squeeze in and alot of homework. The boys had their big Spanish tests. We were trying to do various other things as well. It was crazy.

Two days ago, when I was in my grammar class I caught a glimpse of Tully walking into the administration building (okay, okay, it was really hot, and there are alot of windows, and it's the end of the trimester,and at times my mind wanders to the goings on and beautiful surroundings outside) and he was holding a box. A box that looked suspiciously like a package from home. It was very intriguing to me as we weren't expecting anything. Sometimes we get a head's up that a package is on it's way.

When I got home from class, Tully had the box sitting on the kitchen table for me to open. It's always so much fun when we get letters, news, and packages from home! I opened it and it was filled to the brim with Girl Scout cookies! Our dear friends from Columbia (formerly of Greer), Michael and Lucie Bingham and their family had sent it to us along with two cans of tomato soup--in case we ever get in a pinch with our Sunday night tradition of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Margaret, their sweet daughter, is a Girl Scout this year and wanted to send us some cookies. They couldn't decide which ones to send because they knew we would probably have many favorites within our family, so they wound up sending us a box of each!

When the children came home from school, I am SURE our neighbor Claudia heard the whoops of joy that went up when they realized we had received a package of Girl Scout cookies!

Now is the hard part: rationing them out! : )

Thank you, thank you, Margaret!! (And Lucie, Michael, and Joshua, too!)

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