Saturday, April 25, 2009

Driver's License

We are off from school between trimesters this week. We decided to rent a car to have some freedom we have not previously had to see some of Costa Rica. Let me describe a typical day in our life now. The day before I was to get the car, I was talking to a fellow student about the car rental when he asked me if I had a Costa Rican drivers license. I told him no that I thought my American license would be OK since we have a student visa. But alas, after living in the country for more than 90days, the United States driver's license is no good. I needed a Costa Rican license. This student had just gotten his license and offered to go with me since he knew the "ropes" and could speed up my process.

We took a bus to San Jose, walked about 12-15 blocks and finally found another bus stop to take a bus to the licensing office. When we arrived we went to an office for a physical exam. I had to give blood, get a brief exam from a doctor and then off to the licensing office. We had left San Jose about 8 am and now it was about 9 am. We were told in the licensing office that the first lady I had to see was in a meeting and would be back at about 12 noon. Soooo, we went back to San Jose by bus, and wandered around for a while trying to find an umbrella store where they actually make and repair umbrellas. Finally we found the store, I had one umbrella fixed that was broken and bought 2 new ones for the girls since they do not have their own. It was about 11 by then so we stopped and got a bite to eat. We each ate a chicken empanada. Next was a return bus trip to the licensing center. Arrived at 12 noon and proceeded to sit and wait until 1:15. Finally got in the building and after 5 different steps I had my license at 2:30pm. Remember, we started at 8am. We retraced our steps, took 2 different buses home and arrived back home at 3 pm, very tired.

While waiting at the licensing center, a Nicaraguan man struck up a conversation. To practice my Spanish, I will usually ask about someone's work, family, and if they are Christian or Catholic. This man proceeded to tell me that he reads his Bible often, prays much, and only fears the Lord. He does not worry or fear robbers in the street. A good lesson for all of us. This man's name is William but he does not speak a word of English.

William, a man of faith that I will see again only in heaven.

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