Saturday, April 4, 2009

My coolest mission trip

Ok, so this is the worst, but also coolest, mission trip I have ever been on, and it was really hard because it was... so poor. For example, one of the men with us was picking up his 17th TV that day(they harvest the copper from them and dump 'em) and found a half disintegrated opossum that was probably killed by the dogs and the dogs ate it because the owners had no money to buy food for them, and that really hurt. I love animals and I hate to see starving animals when mine back home are so... rich compared to them. I even saw teeth marks on the bones but enough before I make ya'll sick.
I even saw a little boy who came up to us to show off his "new" shoes which had at least five or six holes in each of them. I was struck then at how selfish I have been and I almost cried right there.
Then I went into the house. One of the ladies there started crying while she was working because she was working in their "bathroom" and found a plank of wood. She told us later that she thought to herself "what is a plank of wood doing in the bathroom". So she picked it up and there was a human poop under it. She thought it was probably because the toilets get clogged up so easily that the people can only urinate down the toilet. I saw the pipes and they're just warped PVC pipes that have been used alot.
But please pray for me (because this was a really hard day for me and because my very close friend is leaving soon) and for the people in Los Guidos. Also pray for school because I have finals coming up.

1 comment:

  1. I'll pray for you about that very close friend who is leaving soon. :)
    ~Grace Suzanne
