Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rain and other thoughts by Tully

There is an old Jim Croce song that had a refrain that went "you don't pull on superman's cape, you don't spit in the wind, and you don't mess around with Jim!" Well I can add one other thing that you will only do once and that is forget the cover to the the stroller during rainy season in Costa Rica. When school let out today, I had to take the girls home and we forgot the plastic cover to the stroller. I put my umbrella over the girls to try and give them some protection and began the 1/2 mile walk run to our house. Needless to say I was totally soaked by the time we arrived home. But a little water never hurt anyone?

This afternoon, Luke and I went to the store to buy some bread. We stopped at one of the corner bakeries and bought a loaf of bread. A begger tapped my shoulder and held out his hand. He looked to be about 60ish and had a bedraggled beard and tattered clothes. At first I shook my head "no" and started to walk away. After all in orientation they warned not to give to beggers unless we felt led of the Lord. We were told if we give alot to beggers they may mark our house and more and more beggers will come by. As I started to walk away, I was reminded of Matt 25:31-46 where it talks about separating the sheep from the goats. I turned around went back and gave him a few coins in my pocket. Later this afternoon, a young women rang our bell and asked if we needed any housework. I told her no and she then asked for some "leche" for her babies. Leche is spanish for "milk". I went inside and put some powdered milk into a sandwich bag and gave it to her. In the back of my mind I was thinking of sheep and goats. I want to be a sheep on judgment day.

Mealtime around our table is a time for sharing and laughing and planning next day events.

Water drain grates are often stolen to sell the metal or to use the grate as part of a bar-b-que grill. This hole is right outside our door. We call it a "gringo" trap.

Computer time is an important way to stay in touch.

Posted by Tully

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