Monday, June 28, 2010

World's Best Cup of Coffee . . .

. . . was found by me last week on a mountaintop in Honduras. I had been a little hesitant about drinking/eating things here when I wasn't sure how they were prepared, what type of water they used, etc.

When we were on a mountain brigade a couple of weeks ago and it was almost lunchtime, several of the Hondurans said, "Come on with us and let's go find some Honduran food." I smiled and said, "I really can't." One came back later to ask me about it and I explained that I have a gringa stomach and body, and I really don't want to be sick since I don't know the food is prepared. He said he understood.

Then he said, "But, pretend that I am the pastor here at this church, and I want your family to come to my house and eat with my family. What will you do?" I laughed and said, "In that case, I would do it, I would just pray really hard over the food and all of our stomachs." He went on to tell me that it would be very offensive if I refused something offered by the mountains. We talked about how different it is in the States--you don't want to put anyone to any trouble, or you're just not thirsty of hungry at the moment, so you decline what is offered to you. He laughed.

One week went by and we were in the mountains. We were visiting at the home of one of our mountain pastors, and his sweet wife offered us coffee. I said, "Oh, yes! I would LOVE some!" Trey was with me, and we both left there saying it was the best cup of coffee we have ever had.

The Hondurans who were with us that day asked if we had ever had coffee before "from the stick." We said no, and they explained that the pastor's wife planted the coffee bush, harvested the beans, roasted them, and brewed it. I am a coffee lover and would never have imagined that coffee could taste that delicious! Trey and I are so glad that we went ahead and drank the coffee that was offered to us. And we are glad to have made some new friends in the mountains!

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