Sunday, June 7, 2009

Random Things I'm Wondering About . . .

1. Why do the male missionaries here like to cook so much? What a blessing for all of us, but I am curious! Is it stress relief from studying, is it because they enjoy it and now have some time to, or is it because it's a way to provide for their families or what exactly is it?

2. Why have Tully and I had a role reversal with shopping? He loves to go shopping and take his time going up and down all the aisles in the store while I try to hurry through and see how quickly I can get it done (well, truth be told, I've never been a big shopper, but here even less so).

3. What will our adjustment to Honduras be like? Will we have beds to sleep in the first few nights? A refrigerator? An oven? A car? How will the kids do with all the changes (again)? How will we all do with the water there--or the need to use only bottled water for brushing teeth, etc.?

4. Why has our house in SC not sold? Will it sell this summer? Maybe God wants us to hang onto it? If so, I wonder why?

5. Where we will stay during our furlough this year?

6. Will we homeschool when we get to Honduras or will the kids go to private Christian school?

7. What made me so sick last week? How did I (who washes my hands constantly, etc.) get it and no one else in my family did?

8. What will an 18 hour bus ride to Honduras with seven kids and two border crossings be like? Not sure I want to know the answer to that one yet, but it's quickly approaching! : 0 What should we sell here--what should we try to keep?

9. Will my English grammar and spelling ever be normal again? I now have to look at things twice when I write them in English because they don't "look right." Sometimes I do that also when I'm speaking in English!

54 more days til we move to Honduras, but who's counting?! : )

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