Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kids Out of School

As I write this, I am listening to the pouring rain pounding our roof. It is a soothing sound. The first few months of rainy season bring storms, tormentas en espaƱol. What an appropriate word: tormentas--storms filled with lightning and thunder and deluges! We heard the biggest thunderclap that we have ever heard in our entire lives last night--it sounded like an explosion! The kids, who are now on summer break, snoozed right through it.

The children at our school finished their school year last Friday. The last few weeks leading up to that day have been, of course, very busy. We had our usual homework and tests, and they had those, plus their Spanish finals, then the next week began the due dates for end of the year projects and, afterwards, all of the other finals. The little ones had parties and fun times and the older ones asked again and again, "Why do they get to have all the fun?!" But, the year ended well for all of them, we're glad to say.

This week, a church in the States has sent a mission team to put on a VBS for the children. Our older ones are helping and the younger ones are participating and having a great time.

Beginning next week, added to trips to the park and having friends over to play, and beginning to pack up, etc., our kids will have a tutor for two hours a day to work on their Spanish. She comes highly recommended and I'm very excited they will have this extra time to devote to their Spanish learning while they aren't preoccupied with other classes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey y'all!
    How are ya guys doing? Getting ready to leave CR? Happy? :) I miss y'all a lot! Please pray for traveling mercies for my family especially during the month of August which will be full of traveling. I love you guys and miss you! Say hi to Eli for me please!
    Praying for y'all.
    Living for Him,
