Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Exciting Day

Yesterday, we experienced our first two earthquakes. I was in class, where we were all discussing participles--it was a little loud. My chair began to shake a little, as if someone had their feet on the bottom part and was bouncing their legs. Then it began to shake a little harder, and a little harder . . . I turned around to ask my classmate behind me what she was doing and at the same moment I realized her feet were not touching my desk, a man in our class calmly said, "That's an earthquake." We all went outside to wait it out, and it was over in a few moments. The students were much more excited and animated than the teachers, of course. The teachers are always tranquilos! Not knowing how strong it was nor where it originated, our hearts went out to those closer to the epicenter than we were.

Later in the afternoon, I was talking to a friend on the telephone and saw a book near me begin to shake a little. Then I felt the shake as well and heard my friend's husband (through the telephone) say, "That's an earthquake!" At that point we just thought it was an aftershock of the first one. It was actually another earthquake, and stronger than the first. It was a reminder for all of us how quickly life can change.

Lastly, a group of NFL football players came to the children's school and shared their testimonies with the kids during their chapel hour yesterday. They said they enjoy doing that in the offseason. What an impression it made on the kids, especially the ones who love sports. Our boys were able to get autographs and talk with the players. The kids couldn't believe how huge the players were, and how friendly, and enjoyed being able to talk to them. We are grateful for these men who love Jesus and spent an afternoon encouraging a group of missionary kids. It was a day the children will never forget.

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