Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Girls

We started homeschooling together around the same time, I guess it's been nine years ago now. Although we knew each other then, we bonded together after that. We're talking cement. We bounced questions off of one another, got together when our kids were little and had playdates (which were definitely more for us than for our kids), shared frustrations with each other, and the hilarious moments that come with life with preschoolers. In the early years, we met at the lake mostly and our kids fished and caught tadpoles while we did Bible studies. As our kids grew, our time together became less in person and more on the phone as we kept up with what was going on in each of our lives. At Christmas, we have had marathon cookie swaps, which later evolved into soup swaps in the winter, which even later evolved into entree swaps. We have prayed together and encouraged one another through health crises, parent issues, children issues, etc. We have cooked meals for each other's families when the need arose.

Now we make it a point to get together every few months to celebrate birthdays, so we have evolved into a "birthday club." It is so much fun--just us talking about nothing in particular and everything in general. We usually laugh a lot, drink some coffee, cry a little at times, and eat something really bad for us but really scrumptious--

Life has changed us all through these years. Our bond, however, is still rock solid--but the most important bond we have will never change, and that is Jesus Christ. We are all believers and have encouraged one another in our relationships with Christ as we've gone about our lives. What a pleasure and a gift it has been, and I know it will continue to be . . . because, I, for one, girls, am already looking forward to another marathon cookie swap in December!

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