Let me tell you about another part of our water ministry that I have not previously talked about. We have a large size pick up truck that we are able to fit a 900 gallon cistern into. We attach a gasoline powered pump to the cistern and can pump water at a gallon second. So I took Timothy, Luke, Gabriel, and Elijah and we went to deliver water (Dawn was in Tegus, Trey was still doing homework). This is a fruitfull ministry that I hope our family can continue to perform during the dry season. I first took water around in this manner with our team of college students from the U. of Georgia. They were here two weeks ago and did a great job with various ministries including this one. I am reminded of the passage in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25, starting in verse 31 where Jesus talks of sharing water, food, and clothes with the less fortunate. I am glad we are able to share some of our water.
See the pictures below. One location we went is one of the poorest areas of Guaimaca. Notice that two 2 year olds brought their containers to get the precious water that they do not have enough of. I have struggled to get the image of the two little children out of my mind.
I pray that the Lord will continue to bless our well with plenty of water at the hospital so that we can share the water with others in the name of Jesus.
In this neighborhood, this little girl had no clothes to wear. They came to get water with no parents in sight!
Elijah and I filling a cistern. Eli had a great time helping others. The hose delivers water at more than a gallon a second.
This picture shows part of the cistern in the back of the hospital's pickup truck. Timothy is getting ready to pull the cord to start the gas powered pump for the cistern.
Luke filling the last pila of the day!
Great ministry.