Thursday, February 26, 2009

Home in Honduras

We took a trip to Honduras to look at a house our friend, Lynda found for us. It's in her neighborhood in the Zamorano Valley, about five minutes away from BMDMI's mission home. It's also only about 5 minutes or so from a large agricultural university. The students there have a store from which they sell fresh milk, cheese, eggs, produce, and meat, and other goods. Very convenient for a family with seven kids! : ) It is a pretty quiet area, very different from living in San Jose. The agricultural university owns about 15,000 acres of land in the Zamorano Valley. So, the neighborhood is out in the country, which we love. Although we were already familiar with the area, we looked at it with new eyes, trying to envision what it would be like to live there. It is about 40 minutes from Tegucigalpa, only 20 minutes without traffic (which hardly ever happens). We think it will be the perfect spot for the kids to have plenty of room to play safely and for us to enjoy for years to come.

Sunrise in Zamorano Valley, Honduras

A view from our neighborhood in Zamorano

Our dear friend and fellow missionary Lynda Gregg's house

The house we will be renting in Honduras

Living room of our house

Kitchen area

Back of the house

View from the back


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