Saturday, November 22, 2008

Little Dogs

Some of the garage doors are opaque, and those homes are where a teeny tiny dog with an inferiority complex and a really loud bark lies in wait for an unsuspecting gringo to walk by. He waits until the gringo gets almost past and then springs into action. If he times it just right, he can jump high enough to get his mouth right next to the gringo's ear and then let out a bark that exceeds all safe decibel levels and sounds like he's ready to rip your throat out. Then I picture him laughing hysterically in his dog-way as he watches the gringo jump two feet off the ground with the adrenaline pumping, and then look around to make sure no one saw it. With the satisfaction of a job well-accomplished, he settles back down for a little rest to wait for his next victim. We are his entertainment for the day. Now we've learned him and his evil ways, so he doesn't bother with us much anymore. ; ) Yes, this is the voice of experience talking. And yes, the little dogs are all over the city and all the same. And yes, there are a whole new slew of unsuspecting students coming in for the January trimester.

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