I entered a blog on October 16th talking about the guilt I felt after Trey, my oldest son, tore the medial meniscus (cartilage) in his left knee. I knew I needed to forgive myself and received wise counsel as such from my wife and a very good friend and mentor. I knew it was sin to continue to feel guilty when the Lord Jesus Christ has forgiven me. It is an act of the will to make the decision to forgive myself. I know from practicing medicine for 21 years that many people are weighed down with a chronic guilt (like I discussed on Oct 16) they cannot shed and it adversely affects every aspect of their life. But thanks be to God that He forgives us and therefore we can forgive ourselves.
After Trey injured his knee, we had an ultrasound done that clearly showed a tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the left knee. A few nights later, as Trey was going to bed I decided to pray for Trey's healing according to the biblical model found in James Chapter 5. I went into Trey's room, sat on his bed, confessed my sins, laid hands on Trey's knee and prayed for God to heal Trey. In the meantime I had called an orthopedist back home and he suggested we go ahead and get an MRI of the knee to get a better look at the cartilage and to see the internal ligaments in the knee that the ultrasound will not show. The MRI was done 2 weeks after the ultrasound. It showed a small amount of swelling and some bruising of the bone but the cartilage tear was healed and no longer present. In the meantime Trey's knee seems to be healed clinically as well. He no longer has any pain and the click he had frequently complained of has resolved. We give God all the credit and glory for healing Trey. While I know that the cartilage will on occasion heal on its own, I never in my 21 years of practicing medicine had a patient I was aware of have their knee cartilage heal on its own. So in my mind Trey's healing is a miraculous healing. As I had my quiet time this morning I was reading in John ch 14, verses 12-14.
" 'Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.' "
We should not be surprised when God does the miraculous. Rather, I think, we should expect it.
We love you Jesus and give You, God, and the Holy Spirit all the glory, honor, and praise that we have. Amen
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