Monday, July 12, 2010

A Wedding

We had a wedding here at the church a few weeks back. It was beautiful. The groom was a little nervous, looked a little green around the gills, and had some help from friends tying his tie just right. The bride had a shy smile, long, beautiful black hair, and kept her eyes only on her groom at the altar.

There is a huge difference, however, in this wedding to many others. This couple is older, and they have lived together since they were young without being married. They have raised kids together, who now have kids of their own, worked side by side together, laughed, cried, and experienced life together for all of these years.

The focus on this wedding was this couple's love for one another, but most importantly, on their love for Christ, and their desire to serve Him by following through with the institution of marriage.

Many couples here are too poor to pay the marriage tax that the Honduran government charges. In fact, there have been several weddings like this one, with several more to come in our association of churches around Guaimaca.

It was a delight for us to witness this couple's love for one another, and their love for Christ.

The bride, escorted down the aisle by her son.

The bridal couple were seated in front of the minister and the congregation as he delivered a sermon on the meaning of marriage.

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