Anna needs a tonsillectomy--her tonsils literally touch, so she is very much a mouth breather and her ENT says that she probably has sleep apnea as well due to her enlarged tonsils. First, however, we had to clear her for surgery with the hematologist, which involved more blood work due to the temporary condition that she had in the summer of 2008, ITP. Although her platelet count has gone up since August, 2008, she still has low platelets, so her doctor ordered more bloodwork. If she had ITP, it should have already resolved. In three days, Anna had 12 vials of blood taken. She was such a trooper!
We are now awaiting more blood work to confirm a diagnosis of platelet agregation disorder and have an appointment with her hematologist next week. Right now, he just said that she will need a platelet transfusion before her tonsillectomy.
Anna and Carmen
Poor Anna! Will be praying for her.